Gotta Get Up - (I)

Did I ever tell you I was a restaurant hostess? And that I hate waking up at 4:15am (Mon-Fri). I work the AM shift which is  from 6:45am - 3pm, it's a long day and utterly exhausting. I've been at the restaurant for about 6 months and I understand why there is such high turnover in the restaurant industry - - - it's modern-day slavery. While the majority of the customers are a joy to interact with, there are others that you just want to slap/strangle/destroy, etc., but of course you can't just go around giving Bruce Lee teas, though sometimes I am feeling like...

Lets not even get into the managers, while they "seem" cool, in reality most of them are drug addicted, aloof, and grossly overpaid. In any event the last few weeks have led me to reevaluate my relationship with the restaurant and to start taking steps to transition out of the space and move to the next level in my career that brings me joy in doing the work I love (Acting & Writing) and making great money while doing so. Not to mention my birthday is just a week and half away.

Which brings me to this "sacrifice to survive, discipline to thrive".

I've shifted my thinking so that I'm beginning to thrive. I've joined the B.P.A.I.D. Business Planning Mastermind Group led by Jullien Gordon.  The mastermind consists of 9 conference calls covering topics such as - Finding Your Idea and Why, Finding Time and Flow, Finding Your Brand and Positioning and much, much more. The group has been so introspective.  And as I do the assignments and speak with my assigned accountability partner I find myself getting clearer and clearer on how I can use my gifts, talents and experience to create new revenue streams doing work I greatly enjoy.

However the mastermind group has also been a kick in the ass!  At times I am so tired from work that I have to drag myself to the computer on our conference call days which are 3x per week and also make time to do the assignments. Its been a big lesson in time management and critical thinking. Which overall has been great at helping me put 1st things 1st!

I also began a new publishing project with a friend, that I'll keep under wraps for now; but except more information on that soon. This I am really, really excited about because its something that I've wanted to do since I moved to New York and was an intern at Vibe Magazine in 2005.

I could go on & on about all the new things I'm working on, but I refuse. I know what the hell I'm doing plus I'm the type of person that does their shit on the low and just let nature takes it course. But since I am tooting my own horn I'll leave you with this...

My first feature film See You Next Tuesday is really on a roll. Picking up awards in Chicago, Boston, and Alabama! Its making it's way all around the world with upcoming screenings in Australia, Germany, Canada and now London. Also earlier in the  year I was in a music video directed by Terence Nance of Oversimplification of Her Beauty and its finally out!!! In France for now. Hey gotta start somewhere. lol Anyway the song is called Triggers and it's by Melissa Laveaux  so if you're in France check out the video and let me know what you think. It was such a pleasure working with the cast members and talented crew, not to mention I was asked at the last minute because the person who was supposed to play my role was stuck upstate in traffic. I said YES to the project not knowing 1 iota about the director, artist, genre, nada. But when God opens a window and you know it you just move!


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We Live in Brooklyn Baby