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Its All About: Studio Sessions

"Can you come to Harlem today? I want to show you something special." @sirjacobs I donned my best superhero costume, a vintage terry jumpsuit I got at a secondhand shop in Instanbul and went on my merry way!

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It's not often that you get an opportunity to look through the lives of legendary, iconic performers. I had no idea what Randal was setting me up for, however if you know Randal, then you know he'll take you on a cultural journey. From Randal hosting brunch parties that turn into voguing parties in pre-war buildings that overlook the Hudson river, to him curating art/fashion exhibitions in Detroit museums Randal really does it all. He's got a great sense of style, and an eye for decorating with elegance and ease. He's a true class act! Check out Randal  here in these beautiful shots by Weston Wells.

Imagine my surprise and shock when I got to Harlem and he tells me who's space it was, and his newest project regarding it all! Unfortunately where we were, must remain a secret, but know that the pictures below do not do justice to the archival heaven of the space we occupied. While Randal and I caught up on his recent European excursion, I soaked in all the culture that was at my fingertips. Later we got a surprise drop-in by way of Olu from Streetlevelculture  who was also in need of some inspiration.

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Randal and Olu

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Olu and Jesus...reading

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There was so much to see, including all the costumes from The Wiz, yes, THE Wiz. And when Randal told me this was only 1 of 3 other spaces filled with relics I almost died.

Afterwards we headed to a little sushi spot in the neighborhood and then I made my way back to Brooklyn, while they went to a Housing Works $20 all you can stuff sale.

And, here's message from Olu...

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