Using Your Influence | Cannabis Media Summit


Using your influence

Recently I had the pleasure of moderating a panel at the Cannabis Media Summit in New York. Last year I sat on their panel about cannabis media companies and discussed how EstroHaze started and expanded through our seed-stage accelerator Canopy Boulder.

What I really enjoyed about this discussion was that it was focused on honing your online presence and building an authentic cannabis brand. My panelist Tanya Osbourne, NYC Women Grow market leader and Imani Dawson of The Weed Head also discussed their approaches to creating content for large and diverse audiences, and ways to approach brands and other outlets for collaborations.

During our discussion, I mentioned how EstroHaze and Imani’s team MJM worked together for a cannabis marketing video set to Biggie Smalls track 10 Crack Commandments. It was well-received. Our goal was to put a fun spin on tried and true marketing tactics with a little Brooklyn flair!

Collaborations are definitely an area I feel strongly about. After all, they say collaboration is the new competition. Working in media I know how tough it can be to make any kind of splash online. Not only that, after splashing you have to stay consistent while being flexible to the various pivots that come with marketing.

I have found a lot of success in collaborating with influencers. Not only does their audience trust them but they are often very creative in how they approach collaborations and are typically full of ideas.

Brands looking to break into new market segments are also seeing great returns on partnering with influencers. And, according to many industry reports the budget for influencers is only increasing.

I’ll be sharing some interesting stats on influencer marketing on my podcast this month. Some of which I mentioned during my cannabis media summit discussion.

For now, check out some pictures from the event, and be sure to visit Cannabis Media Summit for more info!


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